Thirsty for more/ By: Kim Warner

     Searching the soul for the answers of life. Be careful in the search take a guide who has been here  for a while, without knowledge one could run into loopholes. The soul begins to look back and wonder what's it all about , it begins to see the memories in its mind and it begins to hunger and  thirst for more. Over and over again it says" I see the same thing, I desire more but, " I have know idea concerning what i want to do? The soul say's to it's self " if I dont start some where making a difference I will never see a difference. The guide that you take along with you is one of the Masters of antiquity, He has mastered the challenges you will face in your search. The soul is like a  computer that has been programmed within , before the beginning of time; some things must go and some will stay. In this quest there is pain because, soul searching involves letting go of lies and error and receiving truth, the denial of self  will always give an rebellious response to the mind an body while your in this journey because it is change, its unfamiliar, and the mind and body begin to go through an inner struggle. Hold on when the fight begins, finish the course or struggle with denial and you will begin to see changes in you and newness appear in your circumstances. The soul knows its tired of the old mundane... Experiencing, frustration, confusion, and irritability is not uncommon because your fighting your way through what used to be your reality. Until those things that frustrate us are gone the battle will continue to wage its war. See its like Neo in the Matrix he came to a place when he realized Smith was in fact his alter ego, Smith was his counter part. If you never recognize the ugly twin in you then your in a do or die situation   because the counter part is always out to kill the greatness in you.  This why there's so much hurt, pain and corruption in the world, we have to stop and study self and see a better picture within ourselves than what's been painted. Pull the old pictures down from your mind and put up bright beautiful pictures.  See your world with hope and excitement, begin to dream again. Read a book and if you cant read, that's where change begins learn how to read. If you don't know how to treat your mate make conscious efforts to Learn! Edify the soul with new, never been nice try being nice. Start over, educate yourself on love from the Master of love Jesus. You only come into contact with the negative to change it into positive. Only a person who feels un-loveable can draw and un-loveable person to them. Persons who don't challenge themselves to do and be better will draw people of the same mindset.  By changing the perception the soul shows your mind, you will see life from a better view, blooming.  And you see how Morpheus Stayed by Neo's side until he received the confidence he was planting in Neo everyone needs the Master when change calls. Do you know his name? It is J-e-s-u-s!