Awakening to Truth

Imagine for a moment Yourself being a tiny seed and you were planted in a place that was dark and  hollow. You have to sit there in darkness until you realize that you are programed within for the possibilities of who you truly are. You say who I truly am "I thought I was a seed, and the voice within says you are a seed but the truth of who you are and the sum total of your being is within". And you are saying"WOW! im more than  a seed there is more to me than I can see?" So you begin to search of the more that's been spoken of within you an in that search you start remembering what kind of seed you are, what you were created to produce, and what it takes for you to bring fruition. Now you remember what you were programmed to be and the process begins to grow and mature you until one day your in full bloom and you are put on display for the beauty thats evolved through you, and " Oh my God everyone looks and stares at you, they adore you, they love you, you are so...beautiful." What they dont know about  is your pain, endurance, and the time alone, the rejection, and the work you put into your becoming all that they see. They see the outside but, they don't see the inner turmoil and struggles you went through. You stand there as they are amaze at the array of beauty radiating through you saying in our mind, " I know what it took to make it to this place in life, this is what everyone's trying to achieve and I made it. I am grateful for the awakening to the beautiful truth within me." One thing they dont understand is the focus is on the inside while there looking at the outside my focus is keeping the inside right. When the inside is right everything will be alright with the outside. 
      While some people covet and envy this beauty that they see I wonder if any of them think about the process this beauty went through for its awakening, I wonder if they stopped to think that the same beauty lives within them? I wonder, I say to myself, there wasn't one seed made when they were created, there were millions created, and if Iam one seed that awakened to the great possiblities and beauty within then Iam only a forunner allowing the millions of other seeds to see their potential of awakening to truth...