An Authority on writing... By: Kim Warner

Authority or rulership is given to those whom overcome challenges and experiences in there lives or circumstances. Challenges and or circumstances come to those in the form they do because the recipient is well able to Master the challenge at hand.
CALLING all writers these challenges are million dollar opportunities calling you. You called for the money, now the money is calling you in another form. It's calling you to write, write yourself into a new thought process, a new living, and a new bank account. Writers you have this opportunity because, the challenge your facing is giving you authorization to write the next chapter or event in the upcoming edition of your experience.
The head is where all things begin without the leading of the head the body would be in utter confusion
. Because it sits on high it's been given knowledge to attain un-measureable things. You've heard the saying knowledge is power? And now we now why it is power. The head must have meetings with the heart for all things for the writing to come together. The heart has the emotional side of the writing to bring the heart of the matter into context. You have to have feeling in your writing, but the key that the heart plays that really matters, is coming into union with wisdom. There is always a birth that takes place for organs to work effectively, as so it is with a marriage oneness, working together to deliver this awesome product. Wisdom lives in the heart, the mind safe guards and houses knowledge. The heart carries wisdom. Wisdom and knowledge together as a union causes a dynamic explosion! The head carrying the mind makes plans with the heart to put this writer in position to be connected to avenues and people the writer never thought they would be exposed to. Opportunities of advancement into places the writer has wrote about in the past, but never thought they would make it too. The heart consults with the mind on past emotions that are lingering because of disappointments. The head speaks to the heart as it is to rules out the old emotions. The head is speaking to the heart saying don't hold on to this thing, it will have you immoveable, in a writers block like constipation. "Let it go and let's flow"! After giving thought to what the head has said, the heart agrees. Sometimes the hardest thing can be letting go of past issues or circumstances to push you into your million dollar flow. That is if your looking for it. If it's something else your searching out, you will find it, letting go will always clear the way for a constant flow. This is the part that I told you about in the beginning, you know the authority and the writer. See the writer in you just evolved you into and author. Only through Mastering and gaining Authority over circumstances and your challenges can you become and author.